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Kelly.Jordan@jacksonville.com--111011--Dylen Ford, 5, uses a magnifying glass to sort photographs of the seasons and match them with the time of year they fall during science time in his kindergarten class at John A. Crookshank Elementary School in St. Augustine Thursday November 10, 2011. Teachers like his kindergarten teacher Shea Grammer are spending more of their own money to pay for classroom supplies. Grammer was one of the lucky ones because she is among 54 Jacksonville area teachers who has received donations totaling more than $30,000 to fund 68 classroom projects through Donors Choose, a non-profit organization that connects donors with public school teachers who need classroom materials. Grammer got money for a hands-on science learning project entitled "Exploring Science" which fits with her goal to "make science fun."(The Florida Times-Union, Kelly Jordan)
Kelly.Jordan@jacksonville.com--111011--Dylen Ford, 5, uses a magnifying glass to sort photographs of the seasons and match them with the time of year they fall during science time in his kindergarten class at John A. Crookshank Elementary School in St. Augustine Thursday November 10, 2011. Teachers like his kindergarten teacher Shea Grammer are spending more of their own money to pay for classroom supplies. Grammer was one of the lucky ones because she is among 54 Jacksonville area teachers...
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